Geriatrics is because of, among other things, co-morbidity and the vulnerability of the elderly a complex profession. For the guidance and treatment of the elderly, specialist knowledge is required. The geriatric plays an important role in medicine. With an ever-increasing life expectancy and ageing, this field will get more important every day in the Netherlands and around the world.
Aging is one of the LUMC research profiles. Worldwide the LUMC belongs to the top when it comes to research into ageing and patient care for the elderly. The objective of the LUMC is to contribute to a longer and healthier life. The courses of Boerhaave Continuing Medical Education connect with this objective seamlessly. In cooperation with the LUMC, the courses contain the latest scientific insights and technological breakthroughs.
For more than 50 years the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), under the flag of Boerhaave Continuing Medical Education, has annually organized ten accredited plenary and interactive courses for general practitioners and specialists in geriatrics. We aim to deal with all of the different areas of expertise every 5 years in order to provide continuing education that covers the full width of the field. More and more, we combine the continuing education with assessment before and after. Currently we also deploy advanced e-learning and online tests. In addition to this year programme, every year two NHG-executive study programmes start: Policy and Management and Elderly Care. After they have completed the two phases of these study programmes, general practitioners can be entered into the register of General Practitioners with Special Competencies (Register Huisartsen met Bijzondere Bekwaamheden, CHBB).