Quality and accreditation
Boerhaave Committee
The Boerhaave Committee is responsible for the postgraduate education in medicine (Postacademisch Onderwijs in de Geneeskunde, PAOG) of the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). It is placed directly under the executive board of the LUMC.
Tasks Boerhaave Committee
The tasks of the Boerhaave Committee are to, under the brand name of Boerhaave Continuing Medical Education (CME):
1. Develop ideas for design, content, quality and execution of continuing education;
2. Encourage and carry out continuing medical education regionally, nationally and internationally, especially for doctors and medical scientific researchers;
3. Approve course proposals, to which the following requirements apply: scientific quality, topicality, based in practice, expertise of the proposed teachers;
In case of course sponsoring, additional criteria apply.
4. Advise on continuing education activities that the Directorate Study and Education Programmes (DOO) organizes for third parties. These are among others congresses, symposia and activities for professional associations.
Members Boerhaave Committee
- Dr. W.N. (Mijntje) Nijboer (voorzitter)
- Prof.dr. A.G. (André) Baranski
- Dr.mr. M.M. (Marleen) Eijkholt
- Dr. I.M. (Ingrid) Jazet
- S.P.C. (Sam) Kleinsteuber
- Dr. H.M.J. (Enrike) van der Linden
- Dr. M.E. (Elske) Sitsen
- Dr. M. (Marije) Slingerland
- Dr. J.R. (Joost) van der Vorst
- E.V. (Elise) van Wijk
Steering Committee Primary Care
The Steering Committee Primary Care develops for general practitioners and Elderly Care Physicians a middle-long-term planning with a structured course offer. The Steering Committee works under the auspices of the Boerhaave Committee. The committee, together with Boerhaave CME, organises annual courses and symposia. Additionally, the committee initiates and advises in the process of creating new courses and lectures.
Members of the Steering Committee